I haven’t been receiving from 2nd of this month. I’m based in India, I’m not sure this is a regional issue or just me.
I was having a problem with Brave crashing instantaneously after launching it on my PC, well this was due me trying to sync Brave PC with Brave android. So I went on Github>Brave Software>brave-core>Resources and downloaded the latest pre-release version of the Brave stable standalone. Starting then I did not receive any Brave ads.
After a week I saw the reddit post that the new version of Brave was available, but I wouldn’t work for me because my PC was running the same before it was released worldwide. So, I once again downloaded the latest pre-release of the Brave Stable withe hope of getting the bug fixed in the latest version, but the problem didn’t solve.
PC is running Version 1.12.112 Chromium: 84.0.4147.125 (Official Build) (32-bit)
Notification set to priority level, Focus assist disabled.