NEED Simpler Method of Reporting Bugs

The current bug reporting method is not ideal for most use-cases. Only specific populations have the patience to:

  1. Figure out how to figure out how to report Brave Bugs
  2. Notice that there’s an embedded link on the help page that directs you to the community forum
  3. Create a new account and activate the link in order to submit a bug
  4. Look through the forum to find any related submissions

Simplify the process and people will absolutely report bugs.

The issue I’m raising here reminds me of a scene from the show Silicon Valley when a non-engineer complains that the Pied Piper app is “overly engineered” and misses the general population demographic.

Bug submitting on Brave is overly engineered and is hidden behind layers of links and forum postings and text walls, and unless the average user can click a button that auto-generates a bug report template, you’re going to have users leaving Brave when the browser can’t do something that any other browser can do (I’ve personally been having login issues using google authentication on Brave and I end up rarely even using Brave as a result).


Not that complicated. Problem -> Support -> become forum member -> post problem on forum -> wait for response. It even guides you through the process of how and where to post it in the answer template.

And removing the obligation from having to become a forum member is an open invitation for spam bots and what have you :wink:

Amen, brother.
It seems that Brave people do not want to hear from us when we encounter problems. In my case, Brave has now (overnight) twice wiped out pages I was using. I’m thinking strongly of going back to Safari…which does not have this problem.
Why would Brave folks not want to know about this issue?

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Bug reports are for Developer builds only. For the stable release it goes under ‘Support and Troubleshooting’
I’m new to this forum and just by browsing the Catagories I find this info.
@whatwhatwhat @bobpoark56
What’s the problem?

Hello there, I totally agree with what is said here as this is exactly what I have been looking for. Now, I absolutely love using Brave except when it comes to using ‘Bookmarks’. All I wanted to do, was to ask what improvements are being worked on. I don’t think using a bug report would the best way of doing this but to give any form of feed back or to ask questions is so difficult and time consuming. I would really like to see a global feedback, Support, Bug report Form all in one. Simply click a link, select which option you want and then type away, and to help the Team at Brave, one would be able to add a tag to their feed back. So when this feed back goes through too Brave, all related areas are grouped together under their specific category titles on their side…hope this makes sense.

You ‘Nailed It’.

The means of submitting ‘bug reports’ and/or ‘feature requests’ to improve BRAVE leaves a lot of potential users not just ‘cold’ by highly annoyed.

Whoever is running this web-site needs some serious counseling.

I say this from a background of programming computers using teeny-tiny hammers and chisels on cardboard from the 60s, through managing a Fortune 500 Company computer lab in the 90s and early 21st Century.

This system’s method of suggesting improvements is counter-productive to the best interests of the company.

Hi cbpto,
I would have too agree with what you said. Dear Brave Team, all we want to be able to do, is select the parent category, then the appropriate topic and once this is done, any one else who has, had a problem and has replied back to this problem would all be in the one area-same for all other topics

Anyone here commenting on this thread was able to navigate their way to what is essentially creating an account then using that account to post on a forum. While there are some changes we’ll be making soon to the support flow, at this time we prefer users come to Community to submit bug reports/feedback/etc.

If you look on our Community homepage, you will see categories for each of those options. Once you’re in the right category, all you need to do is click New topic at the top right and you’re good to go.

Brave team members read through feature requests frequently for consideration. You also have the option to submit one via our Github, but when too many people start submitting these requests, they muck up the issue tracker. This way, everyone can submit the feature request they want.

Select a parent category:

We prefer if you drill one level deeper and select the appropriate sub-category (this helps with organization and reviewing issues). But if that’s too much, simply click New topic and submit one. Any topics submitted this way – with or without a subcategory selected – will appear in the list at the bottom of the page:

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Yeah this is too much. What’s wrong with having a bug report feature and form in the browser itself? Maybe, I don’t know just spitballing here, under the ‘help’ menu?

40 minutes ago my browser tabs started freezing the browser when I tried to pull them into a separate window.

Should I need to make an account on a convoluted website, search a community of people I’d rather not have to talk to (no offense), learn to start a topic, or look through other posts to see if other people have the same issue… to report a simple bug?

For all this I could just go back to chrome or use opera instead. It would certainly be less of a headache.

I will now log out and never log in again.

This is the way bugs are posted on just about every other company’s support forum/website. I’m really not sure how much simpler we can make this.

  1. Find the category relevant to you (eg Desktop, mobile, Rewards, etc)
  2. Click New topic to submit a bug report
  3. Fill out the information we need to start troubleshooting that is already explicitly asked in the editor.

That’s about it.

It was likely more trouble for you to come here, create an account and make this complaint rather than actually submit the bug report you had originally.

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