My operating system is Windows 10 and my browser has no pending updates. I usually receive BAT through UPHOLD and reside in South Africa

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**Briefly describe your issue:**I have not received BAT rewards for September and October of 2023.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? (Menu --> About Brave) My operating system is Windows 10 and my browser has no pending updates.

Who is your verified custodian? (Uphold/Gemini/bitFlyer) I usually receive BAT through UPHOLD

Are you in a supported region? (see here for list of supported regions) reside in South Africa.

@Hodlbox the question is which version you are using. It is not whether it shows if you have any pending updates. It is important to know the number. I mean, you could have disabled auto updates so you wouldn’t be lying when you say no pending updates, but it doesn’t mean you aren’t using an outdated version of Brave or something. It is best never to make anyone assume.

I suggest you create a Rewards Support Ticket at so those at Brave can get some more personal information needed in order to look into your issue and see if they can help.

I have opened a ticket … Thank You

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