Hey guys i have been using brave browser for 2 hours, untill now no ad has appeared. Im using a mobile version and i have enabled my brave rewards.
Im from Algeria by the way, is my country supported?
Yes, it’s supported. From FAQ: Why am I not seeing Brave Ads?
“When I opt in to Brave Ads, my browser will try to show me ads which are relevant to me.”
The difference in wording may seem small, but there is a substantial difference conceptually. The goal is to show you privacy respecting ads that are relevant to the user in the right context (a “match” is found) – not to make sure that all users “see some ads” . Enabling Ads does not guarantee that you’re going to see ads – if the system does not find a match for you in the ads catalog, then you will not see any (more information on this below).
It’s also depends on the availability of ads campaign in your country. https://brave.com/transparency/
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