It now takes another click on mobile to share

On the latest brave on Android, it takes an additional click to share. The share option used to be built into the menu button.

Any chance the share button can go back to the menu so that it saves us all a click (tap, to be accurate)?

Thank you


Orange boxes, @dak21j3dajksdaldhalj?


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I absolutely agree with the author - after the last update you should press the button twice to share.
Previously, there was a button in the menu to share, which remembered your choice - accordingly, I could just one click to save in the Pocket, for example. (See the attached Google Chrome screenshot).
In Brave, too, there was this feature, but now it has been removed - to save to the Pocket, I have to click to share, and then choose the application through which to share.
It’s so uncomfortable that I went back to Google Chrome, I really hope that temporarily.

Is there any possibility that “quick share” button will return to the menu?
Are programmers of brave watching complaints from the community?

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