I just wanna know if everything is okey with my account or not

Hi i didnt get the same images as everyone else here in the forum concerning my payment so i wanna know do ihave to w8 more or should i do smthn

Can you elaborate more about your issue?

te problem is in the capture

And the problem is? Sorry, I’m not entirely sure about your issue based only your screenshot. All I see is it’s all seems OK.

So i just have to wait or what

For the payment? If it’s for the payment, the payments are still progressing.

Okey i’ll wait i still didnt get paid tho

Payment complete. If you not receive yours, please see the latest post here MEGATHREAD: August 5th, 2020 Brave Ads Payout Support

Yea well idid not get paid and now idont even know why

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