Hello brave team,
I am trying to generate page-graph. I am following this below link:
I have followed all the instructions and successfully built Brave browser in my local pc. But when I run this browser (npm start Static) I could not find where I could export a webpage to .graphml format.
I have also found a community link where a person mentioned that he exported .graphhml file following the below procedure.
Right-click on the webpage => Inspect => Developer console window => Under element menu there is a sub-menu page graph => In page Graph sub menu there is button “Save full page graph” which exports a .graphml file.
But unfortunately, I don’t see any sub-menu named page-graph under the element menu. Is there some settings which needs to set to show the page-graph option? or the option is moved to another segment?
More info:
I did the below things to build:
git clone -b page-graph https://github.com/brave/brave-browser
cd brave-browser
npm install
npm run init
npm run build – Static
I have attached an image what is shown under element option.
Brave version is: [Version 1.12.48 Chromium: 83.0.4103.116 (Developer Build) (64-bit)]
My current branch is “page-graph”
Last commit of page-graph branch is:
9b948cad7ba1ee224c4e8843ab7c72d68891a14b --> Set brave-core to track page-graph branch
Last commit of chromium src:
faf34a95a93ff46eb36000dab45cf66e58048b0f --> Publish DEPS for 83.0.4103.116
Can you help me where I can find the page-graph option and then export a webpage as .graphml file?