How To Delete A Brave Account

I have two accounts. Made the first one using the wrong email address and now I can’t get verified for my second account

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I am assuming you are talking about a creators account. Do you have access to the first accounts email address? If you do not have access to the email that you used to make the account then you will have to speak with Brave Publishers Support employee here in the Community. If you have access to the email address you can actually login to the Creator account and just change the email address that you want the account to be under.

If you just want to change your email address they you can do the following.

  1. Go to
  2. Login to your creators account.
  3. Go to your email and click on the login link or copy the login URL and past it into your browser.
  4. Once you are logged in and on the Creators Home Screen Click on the drop down arrow on the top right of the page next to the user icon.
  5. Select settings from the drop down menu.
  6. Scroll to the section titled Contact and select the Edit Contact link to the right.
  7. Change your name or Email address as needed.
  8. Click the Save button and Brave will send you a confirmation email to your new Email address.
  9. Go to the Confirmation Email and click on the Confirm email change button and you will be rerouted back to the Creator login and now you are done.

If you would rather completely delete the account and you have access to the email that you made the account with then these are the steps to delete the account. Warning following these steps will permanently delete this account and it cannot be recovered.

  1. Go to
  2. Login to your creators account.
  3. Go to your email and click on the login link or copy the login URL and past it into your browser.
  4. Once you are logged in and on the Creators Home Screen Click on the drop down arrow on the top right of the page next to the user icon.
  5. Select settings from the drop down menu.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the settings page and there is an option for Account Deletion.
  7. WARNING! Clicking the Delete My Account button will lead to your account being permanently deleted and you will not be able to recover it and neither will the Brave team. So only follow through if you truly wish to delete the account.

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