Help Setting Up Brave Rewards for Android

I am quite new to using Brave. I love Brave’s commitment to user’s privacy and security. Thank you for caring about these things.

I am trying to follow the directions for enabling Brave Rewards, but I find it very confusing. I am using Brave on Android. I permitted the viewing of ads and notifications, but I don’t receive notification pop-ups. I clicked on what appeared to be the lead to an ad, and I received a prompt, advising me that local storage needs to be enabled (I think that is basically what it said).

I have read the faq in order to figure this out by myself, but I finally realized that I need to request direct assistance. I am wondering if the rewards system only works on desktops/laptops.

I appreciate any assistance that could be offered. If it’s too complicated for me, I will continue to use Brave, but I will forget about Brave Rewards and the BAT. Thank you one again. I appreciate the support.

Hi @GarboCries, Brave Rewards most certainly works on Android :slight_smile:

Have you read through any of this??

Also, if you go into the Brave browser app settings on your mobile:

…you should go through and set up everything as you prefer.

In your mobile’s settings…
…find the Brave app and…

…go through and check your settings, especially those indicated.

There’s a great FAQ, too, to check out once you have all the above set up how you would like.

I hope this helps you :slight_smile:

EDIT I should add that in that last pic…
…it remains set at “No” for me, despite Brave being my default browser and me allowing quite a lot. I think it’s because I don’t allow Location. <shrug>

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