Error when performing voice searches in BRAVE // Error a la hora de realizar búsquedas por voz en BRAVE

when trying to search by voice in GOOGLE, it says that there is no internet connection which is not true and the microphone works perfectly, with any other browser I can even with internet explorer, how can it be resolved? Is it a bug?

@Christopher_sasias Yes, this is a known bug happening within Chromium for years. There is an open Github on it. You can track it at Just recently we had Brian R Bondy (Co-founder and CTO of Brave), who shared on that Github:

I noticed Opera also doesn’t have this support. This seems like a pretty big task to work on. This is long overdue and hopefully we can get someone working on it sooner than later. Thanks for everyone’s patience.

I want to make it clear that it doesn’t mean it will be fixed quickly. Nobody can give an ETA. It may yet be years before anything is done, or they could try to slip it in as a priority and surprise us with it working in a matter of weeks or months. Best thing is to have no expectations on when it will get done. All that can be said is they are aware and eventually hoping to fix it.

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