For some reason my brave rewards profile got flagged. Like alot of people it seems that it was working up until around march of this year. It showed it was disconnected from my Uphold account so i figured no big deal, ill just reauthorize it and re connect but when i did i get the Brave Rewards Profile is flagged message.
"Error: Brave Rewards profile is flagged
Unfortunately, your Brave Rewards profile has been flagged, and you’re not able to verify with a custodian at this time. This flag can sometimes be due to irregular Brave Ads activity, though it can also be a false positive.
Note that while your Brave Rewards profile is flagged, you won’t be able to verify.
No action is required on your part. Your Brave Rewards profile will be automatically reevaluated on a regular basis to determine when (or if) the flag can be removed. Please try again every so often to see if the flag has been removed."