Download list doesn't show any of the things I downloaded

Description of the issue:

Download list doesn’t show any of the things I downloaded. But if I search the downloads and type something, all the list appears. And everything come backs to normal till I close that tab and do this in an new tab.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. First open the brave browser
  2. Go to the side option then says “Customize and control Brave”
  3. Then just go to the downloads.

Actual Result:

Expected result:
It should’ve shown all of the downloads in the first attempt.

Reproduces how often:
As often as I go to the downloads from a brand new instance of brave or a from a new tab.

Operating System and Brave Version :
Os : Windows 10 Pro, version 1803, OS build 17134.648
Brave : Version 0.67.124 Chromium: 76.0.3809.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Hi, @PandaGuy, and welcome. Thanks for contributing, and with such a complete report to boot! This is actually an issue the devs are working on. A quick workaround in the mean time is to resize the window even a tiny bit and the text should show up.

(The linked post cites the issue ticket, which is