Didn’t receive creator payment

It says “payout in progress” for a week now and I haven’t received my creator payouts yet

Can you please send me a DM with the email you use to login to your Creator account?

Thank you.


Can I send you a message with my email too? I am in the same boat.

@steeven @Mattches I am having the same issue. Only March Payout incomplete and showing “Payout in progress”. Attention and DM to him but no response…

do you used uphold or gemini ?

My wallet is connected to Uphold

My creator account has changed from “Payment in Progress” after 10 days to now indicate “Next Deposit Date: April 13th”. Was this intended to fix the backlog? I guess I’ll wait until April? Thanks

Yes — you should receive payment for both March and April during the next pay period.

@Mattches @steeven


Team its a very humble request to please make sure that this time we receive our full payments for March month along with the ‘trailing’ payouts of the past two months
(Jan and Feb) that somehow didn’t reconcile then

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