December Rewards not paid to Uphold

Briefly describe your issue: December Rewards not paid

What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?
Version 1.34.80 Chromium: 97.0.4692.71 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no) Yes

What date did you verify your wallet? Re-verified today 1/11/22

Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past? Yes for 16 months

Are you using a VPN? (yes/no) No

Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)? Yes

Does your device pass the SafteyNet check (Android only)? N/A

Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold?? Yes


I am using Android latest version and I received payment for November. Also I have currently verified uphold account but i didn’t receive December’s payment .
No I am not using any VPN.
I live in supported region.

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@ikenney110 100 % the same as me

How to solve this issue?


i didn’t received payout of brave browser on my laptop , and also didn’t received on my phone . wallet is verified and everything is done!


No clue. Looks like hundreds of users are having the same problem and support has been useless so far. Wondering if Brave might be starting to go downhill.

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@steeven @Mattches I created this thread as requested with all relevant information 19 hours ago and still have no response.

I think they are avoiding us

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Having the same problem…no rewards paid to Uphold or showing on phone/desktop. Although, If I click on the “Your Wallet” of my Android (purple area in pic above), the “REWARDS SUMMARY” says “MISSING: MONTHJAN 2022”.

Mods…any help, update??

When the Verified Gemini Wallets flips from ‘Payment Processing’ to ‘Payment Complete’ and ALL are completed, we’ll see what happens. If things are still a mess a day or two after that, I could see a lot of upset people, more than there are now on here.

yeah i think so too. its unfair actually :< honestly brave support kinda sucks. at this point all you have to do is to move on. there’s no hope of getting the rewards back. freaking U N F A I R :<


We will not move on. They should uphold their end of the bargain. Did you think we viewed unrelated ads for our health? We will raise hell all over social media.


@ikenney110 See our DM. Your issue has been resolved. We’re a very small team and issues can sometimes take time to reply to.

@Tribefan If you’d like for your issue to be resolved please DM with the following information:

  • Copy/paste your Wallet ID (found on brave://rewards-internals)
  • Your OS and Brave version (first three lines in brave://version)
  • A screenshot of your Rewards panel in Settings --> Brave Rewards.

This will help to speed up the troubleshooting. Thank you in advance!