Clearing downloads on mobile

Hi, I’d like to know whether or not it’s possible to clear out the ’log’ of any and all downloaded files on the mobile (Android) version of Brave, or whether or not it’s considered as a feature for future releases

Brave ver 1.24.86

Sent from my Galaxy S10 using Android 11

Hey Evjer,

I just want to specify, do you mean your download history, or all of the items you downloaded?

The former, sorry for my English😓

Ah, I see. The download history log is not a feature on Android, so there is nothing to delete.

Uh what do you mean “it’s not a feature“, it’s right there

I don’t think there is a way to clear all downloads history – which does seem odd (I’ve asked Android team if there’s any particular reason for this). However, you select and delete [multiple] items by long-pressing on any download in Settings --> Downloads (in the browser). Once the relevant items are selected, tap the “trash can” icon on the top right to clear them from the list.

hey, sorry if I’m being bothersome, but it doesn’t clear the history log but deletes the entire file - at least for me.
Please see this video for an example of what I mean:

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I believe you are actually correct here – after some additional investigation, there does not appear to be a way to clear the downloads log. I’m going to dig a bit further but if that turns out to be the case, I will go ahead and file an issue for this, as I believe this should be an option available to users.

Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

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