Bye bye Brave :/

Can’t login on google keep extension
Can’t simply open a new tab on bookmark
These two simple bug/ function never investigated by developpers by years dispite the users request…

Hi @olivilo, thanks for joining the community and writing in. Can you share more about your issue? What Brave version and OS are you using?

Last version of Brave and windows 11.
Bugs are there since years… please search for older posts

Hi @olivilo and welcome to the community…
I’d encourage you, if you would like support for your issue… help others, help you… such as providing the actual build number for your specific copy of brave, found here:
and not just say the latest (even though it may very well be),
also to not tell others to go look for the problem elsewhere in older posts,
the people who work on this site, and there aren’t many, have A LOT of people and things to take care of…
if you want their help, be persistent but patient and help them, help you figure things out by giving them what they are asking for and as much information as possible to help them find a solution for you.
Thanks and good luck!

The Keep login issue was resolved and there is now a new issue that users are encountering — we have an open issue for it here:

I have pinged some of our devs internally to see if we can get eyes on this and/or an update on the status of it.

If you mean you’re trying to open a bookmark you have saved in a new tab instead of the current one, this is very simple to do:

  • If you are in brave://bookmarks you literally have to open the bookmark in a new tab — double-click, right-click or select the “three dots” icon on the right of the bookmark:
  • If you are referring to the bookmarks bar underneath the address bar, simply right-click and Open in new tab or press Control + click (Cmd + Click on macOS) to open the bookmark in a new tab:
  • If you are using the Sidebar option, the same rules apply — right-click and Open in new tab, hold Ctrl and click on the bookmark. You can also literally drag the bookmark from its spot into the address bar to open it in a separate tab:

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