Bug report: Clearing browser history does not clear all history

There is a privacy bug in Brave v 1.52.129 (Chromium 114.0.5735.198). If one visits a URL and there is a connection error while connecting to a private DNS server, and then you clear browsing history, the URL is still remembered and the user is prompted to try to connect to it again when ever returning to the home screen, even after exiting Brave. The browser should be forgetting the URL because clearing browser history was commanded.

This can be tested by cutting off the internet just after you try to connect to a URL on the WWW.

This website is so sh|t. I’m trying to report bugs with this wholesale disaster product and its telling me I have to wait 24 hours. Are you fukking kidding me? Find yourself other developers then.

I then tried to close my account, nothing happened and now the buttons disappeared.

LOL absolutely hobby project.

Please delete my account so that I don’t have to receive make abuse reports to Brave’s domain registrar and hosting provider for receiving unwanted e-mails.

I might be back in 2 years to see if Brave has got its sh|t together.

Same problem here. Deleting all data for all time in Settings, Privacy does not delete url history from showing up in the address bar (in Brave v 1.52.130, Windows 10). :frowning: