BSC Token Not showing up in Wallet on Desktop

A BSC Token (SavePlanetEarth - contact address: 0x4ac81e3631dcda62109e3117c4cae7bf70bbbbd2) is not showing up in my wallet after I add it via custom assests. The balance shows zero. I’ve tried deleting the entire Brave Wallet data and starting over with no luck. I’m tried starting an entire new Brave profile and importing just that account and no luck. FYI, it shows up fine via Brave Wallet on iOS. I was without a desktop for about 6 months and prior versions it worked just fine. Other BSC tokens showing up fine in wallets.

This is on Windows 11 and running Brave v1.65.126, but has been this way for the past month.

Hello! Could you provide the token details used when adding the token? Can you confirm you used 9 decimals?


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