Browser crashes

This doesn’t exist for iOS. At least you can’t do things like brave://flags, brave://crashes, etc. This is only available on things built on Chromium. Brave built on iOS is essentially built on Firefox, but also using Webkit. So info has to be collected through the iOS device instead.

Does it crash as soon as you open Brave? When you type in a URL? As you scroll through pages? When you try to watch videos? When typing? Does it happen usually on specific websites?

If you can try to be a bit more observant and provide details like that, it might be able to help.

To build on what @SmartyAadi was mentioning, can you try to check for crash reports? Instructions are shared at but I’ll also type it below:

  1. Go to Settings on your device (not on Brave, but on your iPhone or iPad)

  2. Go to Analytics & Improvements

  3. Click on Analytics Data

  4. In the search bar on top, look for Client, this will be Brave. You will be looking for something that looks like Client-2023-15-XXXXXX.ips NOTE: (Do not pay mind to Client.wakeups_resource)

  5. Either click Share on the top right and then get method. Though when I tried this, it didn’t copy/paste for some reason. So you may need to copy/paste everything manually by highlighting. Guess go for whichever is easier for you.

  6. Share those details here.

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