Brave Shield unsure if any website is safe

So I just noticed like 2 days ago that I had brave shields putting a little question mark next to every website. I don’t know if it’s something with my computer or how to fix it.

Here’s a photo of the entire page of search results:

Here’s a photo of brave browser homepage:
Brave shield

It shouldn’t be doing this right? Would the best option be reinstalling the browser?

I can’t reproduce your “issue” with Brave Shields + enabled Safe Browsing.

Do you happen to use any extensions?
Does any text appear when you hover over that little shield icon?

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It might have just been an issue with my computer not being restarted. It’s working now. I dunno what happened.

I use a few extensions: Adobe Acrobat, Avast online security, google translate, Honey, MetaMask, Scener, BetterTTV, and Destiny Item Manager.

and no, no text appears.

Is there a setting that turns safe browsing off and on that I might have changed without realizing?

Avast Online Security extension is the reason you’re seeing the shield icon. You can see for yourself by checking the screenshots of the extension on Chrome Web Store.

Safe Browsing can be configured at brave://settings/security.

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