Brave Rewards not increasing for 2 weeks

It has been over 2 weeks since last time I got any Brave Rewards. I have follow all the troubleshooting advises but none of them seems to be fixing the problem.
I normally make over 2 BATs in my workplace computer but now it is stuck in 1.065 BATs.

My personal computer and laptop are fine, the problem is with my Working Computer at my work place.

same problem i do not get any ads and no more bats for sponsored images tab.
tried everything still no ads, its been over a month now

To answer next questions:

  1. Yes, my browser is up to date.
  2. Yes, my PC is up to date.
  3. Yes, I have review the Windows and Browser configuration to allow receiving adds.
  4. Yes, I have rebooted the computer.
  5. This is a Windows 10 PC.
  6. My other 2 computers are: Laptop Windows 10 and Mac. Both are receiving BATs but not the third one, the one at my workplace.
  7. Yes, I have a Verified Wallet and I received the BATs last month 4/7/2021

Not sure what else to do.

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same here…pls let us know if u figure out what the problem is

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