Brave is not woking on macOS Monterey. Any solutions?

After updating my macOS to Monterey, Brave browser stop working on it.
it is says: ‘You can’t open the application “Brave Browser” because this application is not supported on this Mac.’

Please let me know how I can fix this issue.
Appreciate your help

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I’m facing the same problem at the moment and I couldn’t find a solution yet (though I kept searching for a while)
This afternoon, Brave was blocked on my not-yet-updated Macbook air, saying that I needed an update. So I updated to Mac OS Monterey, now Brave keeps beeing blocked with the same sentence as you wrote above.
Can anybody help?

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Can either of you please share a screenshot of the message you’re seeing? Additionally, did this happen while Brave had already been installed on your system, or did you Upgrade to Monterey, then download/install Brave?

Thanks for your message. Brave was already installed on my Macbook Air (early 2015 type), then I updated to MacOS Monterey today and now it’s blocked with this message:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-12-30 um 21.33.58

I’m german speaking, but it says what had been translated before: “You can’t open “Brave Browser”, because this program isn’t supported on this mac”

The dock looks like this:

dock - brave blocked

Can you please try downloading and installing the Beta build of the browser to test and see if you get the same results? Note that doing this will not interfere with your current Brave installation – they will run as separate browsers.

yeah I just did this and now everything works fine :upside_down_face:
I’m now just worried, as I safed my bookmarks and other stuff in the browser, will the data be erased in case I erase the “old” Brave browser application?

So this was just a test to see if the issue was with the particular install you have or something different. I would recommend the following:

  1. Make a safe copy of your Brave browsing data by going to ~/Users/[your user name]/Library/Application Support/Brave Software/Brave-Browser (make a safe copy of this entire folder and save it somewhere safe)
  2. Delete the current you have installed (in the Applications folder) by trashing it.
  3. Re-download the stable build of the browser.

Then try launching the newly installed stable build and see if you get different results.

Thanks a lot for you help. I did as described and everything is fine now, also the data from the old browser is still available in the new installed version.
:partying_face: :bouquet:

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Glad that did the trick!

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