Brave Creator Payment date?

When will I receive my Brave Creator reward in my Gemini account?

The payments start processing on the 13th of each month.

Did something happen? It is the 17th and nothing happened. I didn’t get anything on the twins

Well. The payments have processed so I guess, you’ll receive it next month.
Did you receive the tips between 1 -13 of october ?

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No, i not receiving.

În lun., 17 oct. 2022 la 14:58, Aaditya Pendse via Brave Community <[email protected]> a scris:

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Could you send a screenshot of the creators page ?

Yes bro, payments are not working they are taking more time.

If Your Uphold or Gemini account was not linked to your Creators account, lost connection to your Creator’s account, or was linked too late. Your Uphold or Gemini account must complete verification by the 1st of the month in order to qualify for that month’s payout. For more information about verification, check out the Uphold Verification Guide

IF Some or all of your BAT balance was credited during the freeze period (the 1st-13th of every month). Any BAT credited to your account between the 1st-13th of the month will instead be paid out to you in the following month’s payout.

The gemini account is conected and verify from 13 september.

Okay. Did you receive tips before 1st of this month ?


În lun., 17 oct. 2022 la 16:11, Aaditya Pendse via Brave Community <[email protected]> a scris:

So, you would receive tips received after 1st of October in the next month’s payout

But wasn’t I supposed to get them this month?

See, if the tips are received between 1st and 13th of a month, they’re transferred into the next payout cycle (This is actually called the ‘freeze period’ ). That is because the computations and tallies for the tips start on the 1st itself, so if they have to calculate tips from the 1st as well, then that’ll make it more complicated, therefore they pay those tips next month.

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