I’m using Brave Browser in my Linux Mint OS and I haven’t had this problem before. I use dark mode in both my OS as well as the browser. When I used to reboot the system, it didn’t change. But I noticed that Brave got updated recently and it created this issue for me. Every time I reboot my computer and I open Brave, it is set in light mode. However, when I check settings the dark mode is still selected, so I have to select light mode, and then dark mode again in order to change to dark mode. As I said, I noticed this issue in recent days, after Brave Browser update, since I didn’t have this problem before.
Yo tengo Linux Mint y padezco del mismo problema, en configuración, diseño, selecciono el modo oscuro y cuando cierro el navegador y lo vuelvo abrir, queda el modo oscuro seleccionado pero se ve en modo claro. Hay alguna solución?