BAT tonken is deleted

they my 18 bat is gone suddenly I don’t know how I was collecting it in my device its gone omg also 10 USD worth or may be more .

May help:

Recent info (via chriscat):

Hello BAT & Brave Rewards community!

We wanted to give you a heads up about an update to Brave Rewards that is coming in v1.27 of Brave (both desktop and Android). Starting in Brave v1.27, the “Estimated Pending Rewards” counter has been renamed “Current earnings this month (estimated)” , and will now more clearly show your estimated pending rewards for the current month.


It is because of the new update. There is nothing to worry about.

They have changed a few settings that makes the BATs disappear from the tab but it is not removed from your account. Those old BATs are still yours and shall be credited to your Uphold Account in the next month.

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How its work see I have 19 bat 3 days ago and now its zero I think my brave is just like reset automatically it a 20 usd worth plzz solve this

when you give my solution I lost my 19 BAT , I am waiting for your version what you guys are doing please provide my solutions

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