BAT token not transfered in my uphold account

Hello, I use Brave since august 2020. I have a verified uphold account, and I receive my monthly BAT rewards, but a big part of my BAT are still bloqued here :


I have 13 BAT on my uphold account, but there’s still 38 BAT that I can’t transfered to Uphold.

I have read many topics about it on your forum, I tried every solution that people gave, and still, I can’t take that 38 BAT unity.

Do you have a solution, an information about a futur update that can fix this problem ?

Thanks for reading this topic, and have a good day.

My situation is similar to yours, but my bats disappeared from nothing when I connected my Uphold account to the brave. I already sent a request to the support and to this day nothing. Very weird this problem happen just the moment the currency is high.

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