Attach Debugger from Visual Studio Code

Hi Community,

User Story:
As a Developer
I want to Attach the Visual Studio Code Debugger to Brave
In order to Debug the web application I am developing.

Additional Info:
There is an Extension to Attach the debugger to Chrome (available here)
According the documentation, “If you want to use a different installation of Chrome, you can also set the runtimeExecutable field with a path to the Chrome app.”. I tried to use this to specify the path to the brave.exe but without success.

When I try to use this extension to debug my web application in Brave then it succeeds to start the brave.exe process but after that it raises an error: “Cannot connect to runtimeprocess, timeout after 10000ms - (reason: Cannot connect to the target: connect ECONNREFUSED

A better solution would be to implement an Extension for Visual Studio Code to debug in Brave instead of Chrome. I can do that but please I need your input to make it works.

Thank you for your help.

Geofrey van Hecke

From brave, the DevTools documentation is refering to the Chrome DevTools Propocol Viewer (available here).

This documentation indicates how to specify the debugging port from the command line.
chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222

When I try the same with brave instead: “brave.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222” it doesn’t work. Moreover, when listing the open ports ( command line: netstat -an), 9222 is missing. So, like if --remote-debugging-port parameter has been ignored.

Any idea ?

@gvanhecke I’m not really sure about this.

Maybe because remote debugging is disabled?

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