Another day of volunteering? // Encore une journée de bénévolat?

Bonjour les administrateurs, bonjour la communauté.
Le 13/03, j’ai reçu une seule pub, depuis plus rien. Je suis d’accord sur le fait que l’utilisateur ait un maximum de 5 pubs par heure (et encore, ça ne concerne que les pubs qui apparaissent dans le coin inférieur droit de l’écran), qu’il y ait un quota maximum de pubs par jour, voire par mois… (je ne sais pas), qu’il y ait des campagnes de pubs ou pas pour notre région, mais ce que je n’admets pas, c’est que Brave puisse nous exposer des pubs nouvelles qui ne soient pas un minimum récompensées, je suis nouvel utilisateur certes, mais depuis 2 jours, je vois gratuitement des pubs que je n’avais encore jamais vu…Je n’ai plus aucune pubs qui apparaissent dans le coin inférieur droit, et mon compteur de BAT reste gelé. Je pense qu’il faut plus de transparence, aucune campagne de pubs pour notre région ou quota jour horaire / journalier atteint, OK, à la place des pubs sponsors, vous nous mettez plutôt un papier peint Brave avec l’information ci dessus. Plus simple, plus compréhensible. Cela évitera aussi un tas de topics sur le même sujet.
Qu’en pensez vous ?

En tout état de cause, sur téléphone, les publicités sont devenues plus restreintes mais ont le mérite d’exister.

Ce n’est pas un procès que je vous fait ici, c’est juste que ce qui semble se dessiner ne fait pas partie des valeurs décrites par votre navigateur.

Merci d’avoir lu jusqu’au bout.


Hello admins, hello community.
On 03/13, I received only one ad, for nothing. I agree that the user has a maximum of 5 ads per hour (and again, this only concerns the ads that appear in the lower right corner of the screen), that there is a quota maximum number of ads per day, even per month … (I don’t know), whether there are ad campaigns or not for our region, but what I do not admit is that Brave can help us exhibit new ads that are not rewarded to a minimum, I’m a new user of course, but for 2 days, I’ve been seeing ads for free that I had never seen before … I no longer have any ads that appear in the lower right corner, and my BAT counter remains frozen. I think we need more transparency, no ad campaign for our region or daily hourly / daily quota reached, OK, instead of sponsoring ads, you put us more Brave wallpaper with the above information. Simpler, more understandable. It will also avoid a bunch of topics on the same subject.
What do you think ?

In any case, on the phone, advertisements have become more restricted but have the merit of existing.

It is not a lawsuit that I am making you here, it is just that what seems to take shape is not part of the values ​​described by your browser.

Thanks for reading to the end.


I think you need to chill out. Brave is a free app, and the Brave Rewards are provided to us for free. You are a new user and haven’t even given the browser a legitimate trial yet. Are there issues? Perhaps, but if you read through the stickied threads on this forum, it will answer many of your questions. In any case, you have no justification for making demands of the developers.

Again, I am not putting anybody on trial. I am a new user, yes, and I learn every day, I just put forward ideas because if I ask myself questions, others will also ask themselves questions. This is not an injunction, just an annoyance because we remain in the dark for the moment. :slight_smile:

Encore une fois, je ne fais aucun procès à personne. Je suis nouvel utilisateur oui, et j’apprends chaque jour, j’émets juste des idées car si moi je m’interroge, d’autres se poseront également des questions. Ce n’est pas une injonction, juste un agacement car nous restons dans le flou pour le moment. :slight_smile:

I’m honestly not sure what it is you’re asking or saying here? What exactly are you trying to express?


Nothing angry. It’s just some frustration I express because lots of topics are about the same object but no really given answers. I don’t blame anyone. And I think have the response, before the update all works for the ads. I will be patient like the others. Perhaps a fix soon.
Sorry if my words hurted someone. It wasn’t my intention.

Mysteryo’s fears are not unfounded. Please see Delete account entirely and the lack of response from Brave Support at BAT not increasing when viewing sponsored images - #5 by demoem

What fear? I still don’t understand what is being discussed here in this thread.

We do our best to answer as many questions, DMs and threads as we can. We do this on several mediums, Community being only one of them. If you actually look at the threads on this forum, you’ll find that we are extremely active – even in the thread you linked, someone else points out at the bottom that:

Just because you didn’t see them doesn’t mean they don’t exist. And just because your (or any one user’s) issue or error isn’t getting immediate priority attention, doesn’t mean nothing is getting fixed. You can’t point to a user and a thread and say “well these people are unhappy and this is proof you’re not doing anything”, especially if you’re not going to pay attention/credit any evidence to the contrary.

So again, I’m going to close this thread unless someone can actually ask a clear and concise question or raise a legitimate concern because so far it’s gone absolutely nowhere.

@Mattches You can close. I sent you a PM. I was far from imagining that the subject would degenerate.
Nothing angry as I said, I’m french so english translation haven’t always sense for me. :slight_smile:


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