Am I being double charged for brave search premium? (Solved)

Description of the issue:
Brave search premium appears to have been double charging me since I’ve gotten it and i just noticed. How can I have this fixed and how did that happen?
The support resolved my issue. If anyone experiences the same just email their stripe payment support email with your receipts and they will refund erroneous charges.
Screenshot 2023-06-01 221053
Screenshot 2023-06-01 221116
Screenshot 2023-06-01 221138

Brave Version (check About Brave):
Version 1.52.117 Chromium: 114.0.5735.90 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Operating System:
Windows 10 Pro

By the way, what are the benefits of Brave Premium? I am using it without any subscription.

Pretty much just no ads on search page. I’m doing it mostly to support the project but I only agreed to $3 a month, not $6 hope to have that fixed.

what is the solution? its labeled solved

Quoted them here to make it stand out more. If you ever have similar issue, just make sure to do a support ticket at