Allow using mousewheel to scroll through the tabs

On Slimjet Setting i see “Allow using mousewheel to scroll through the tabs” and working brilliant

Windows 10 x64
brave browser [Version 1.3.115 Chromium: 80.0.3987.87 (Official Build) (64-bit)]

as for Brave Browser i cant find “Allow using mousewheel to scroll through the tabs” as it not working so where is the Setting to turn on??

Thank You

Thank you for reaching out – unfortunately there is no way to do this at this time. There are, however, extensions you can use that will do this for you. Additionally, you can use keyboard shortcuts to move through tabs:
Ctrl + Tab – Move focus to next tab to the right
Ctrl + Shift + Tab – Move focus to next tab to the left

I just tested a bunch of extensions, but it seems that none of them work anymore. Does anyone know an extension that still works to switch tabs only using the mouse wheel?
thank you
(brave beta W10)

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