

About me

I am a front end web developer and spend my time working on passion projects or learning different things . Lately I tend to stay more focused on security since my entire identity was hacked In May of 2024.

Brave sync on iOS is completely broken and has been for many months! - plus other bugs with sync on iOS too. (iOS) If you have iOS please read!

Today I am being targeted by individuals with the help of AI and vulnerability exploit toolkits and remote system user exploits from windows machine , SIM swap, android biometric hijacking , and now experiencing issues in my iOS brave browser.

This is why I am here, for help with issues that I apparently can’t fix or solve without experts from this community.

These issues I am experiencing are taking a tole on my health, mental state, and affecting my work habits because I am constantly researching or trying to fix issues I know nothing about .

Btw, I love Jesus,wine, and adventures into the unknown :wink:


If I post this and being targeted , what’s to say the hacker isn’t using brave community to hack my account while reading all my posts?