Where are my Brave Rewards going?

Briefly describe your issue:
I am accumulating rewards monthly according to Brave and at the time of pay out, I have not received anything to my Uphold account (verified) in Months. I have even rest my rewards, but I am still not receiving any.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? (Menu --> About Brave)
Windows, Brave v1.58.131

Who is your verified custodian? (Uphold/Gemini/bitFlyer)

*Are you in a supported region?

@saltyseafish you should be receiving your BAT if you have Rewards connected Uphold. If nothing is being sent out, then there’s a chance you aren’t earning and your account is actually flagged or there’s some other oddball thing going on.

Regardless of the situation, you’ll need to create a Rewards Support Ticket at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001302431 so Brave can get the necessary information from you and try to figure out what’s going on.

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