When Will The Payout For Creators Start On this month???
check this one
publisher payout start at 1-11th (max) so wait at least 11th date of month
@justsomeone1 this means payout will start from 10th or what?
it say that the payout started on 8 aug but it still processing so some maybe got their payment and other not
so not everyone get paid yet the post i mention will be opened on monday at 7 pst
so keep track it
hope that help and have a nice day
@anik360 what the post about publisher mega thread august 2020 says? can you please make me understand. has the payment begun? will i get my payment today/tomorrow?
It wrote pending. I think not even started yet? Anyhow let’s wait them update the thread. Be patient and stay cool.
read the last section it say the following
Are payouts still processing? Although Brave creators payout transactions begin on August 8th, it may take some time to fully process the large list of transactions. You may therefore see other users receiving their payouts before yours arrives. The team will keep everyone updated about payout progress (see above or below ). If the payout period has fully completed and you have not received your payout, post below and we can help you!
so i thought it started on 8 aug
maybe i miss understand it
I think there will be a delay for payout because weekends is their dayoff and august 8th is fall in weekends that will cost to a delay so that the publisher payout will start in august 10th, that’s what i understand, JUST WAIT AND HAVE PATIENCE
Me too. Since first agoust
@steeven posted in the Megathread a couple hours ago that payments will begin processing soon. I had originally thought it would start on the 10th, but it seems some payments may go out today.
When will the publisher payment starts?? anyone knows anything about it? it is august 9th already
yeah, i can Explain, you must wait 11th August for total payout. Because payment processing stop for weekend…
And they add some reasons if you don’t received your payment
like you need at least 5 bat for payout in previous month. this August Earning bat not Accepted for payment.
so don’t worry Just wait and wait like me My bat also still pending for payout.
I think payment will start on the 10th, 8th falls on a weekend which is their day off
Previously, weekends were never a reason for delays, I received payments on Saturday and Sunday and never had any problems. but for some reason this month it became a problem.
You received because They submitted your payment before weekend
And there are millions of transaction started so please give them time to complete all process.
ok, no problem, I hope for the honesty and decency of this project.