@whitequill Unfortunately the only ones who can really help will be employees with Brave and they tend to ask that you message them. They will be able to help identify your issue and all, things that nobody else here can do. Refer to my recent post if you would. Still no payout? read this before posting
In that post I linked you to, you’ll see where I tagged them. You’ll just click on one of the tagged names and select Message when it pops up. You’ll need to include the info I mention they’ll ask you for, such as Wallet Info.
If you hadn’t seen my post, you’d best to have clicked hamburger thing by your profile icon toward top right, it would open menu. You’d select About and it shows you all the Admin and Moderators. Or direct link is https://community.brave.com/about
Just important to note that Mattches and Steeven are primary ones here for Brave Rewards issues. Other sometimes help, but tend to do other things. You can click on their name when you visit the About section and then view their Activity to see when they last posted/commented and even the types of topics they respond to.