You didn’t mention when you connected. The reason for asking is you’re aware you can’t earn until you connect and then it pays once a month, right?
So like if you connected just now in December, then you would be paid in January. Payments begin around the 7th of each month but then can take a few weeks.
When you are speaking of not receiving any Rewards, I’m not sure if you’re saying you expect it to be instant? If you’re referencing about how you don’t see any estimated earnings? Or what you’re kind of getting at.
And if you mean estimated earnings, to see something increase as you view ads, that has been removed. We now only see ad total and then receive payment. Everything is a mystery in between, at least for now.
PSA: Current and upcoming changes to Rewards and Creators - #11 by Saoiray and PSA: Current and upcoming changes to Rewards and Creators - #13 by Saoiray