My brave browser blocked by my company

Using mac, and suddenly with message my brave is blocked and way to open. Is there a way to extract bookmarks and passwords kept in different profiles and import them to my private machine? Or even better to import it to my mac chrome browser which is not blocked?


Thanks for that, the issue is that as described I cannot open my browser anymore

Quit everything

MacOS command line ( window); enter:

open -a "Brave" -n --args --disable-gpu --disable-extensions --enable-leak-detection --crash-on-failure --incognito

The idea, here, is to somehow get Brave Browser running, from the command line, and using flags that might reduce its thirst for CPU/RAM.

If this test works, then go to, and ENABLE both:



The first - adblock cosmetic filtering - can reduce CPU thirst.

The second - would allow you to get some Crash IDs and send them to Brave Support.

Both of those possibilities, are mentioned in Brave Support replies by “Mattches” - - - who may be interested in your findings.

IF / WHILE Brave Browser is running, be sure to backup bookmarks and whatever else that you can.

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