Hola, quería bloquear un anuncio que me salió en Youtube, entonces di click derecho y seleccione el ícono de brave y apreté donde dice “Bloquear elemento usando el selector” y entonces le puse ok, esperando que me sacara el anuncio de Youtube. Pero lo que pasó fue que ahora no veo nada de Youtube, veo toda la pantalla en blanco. ¿Cómo lo arreglo?
Hello, I wanted to block an ad that appeared on Youtube, so I right clicked and selected the brave icon and pressed where it says “Block element using the selector” and then I put ok, waiting for the YouTube ad to be taken. But what happened was that now I don’t see anything from YouTube, I see the whole blank screen. How do I fix it?
Weird, I just tested that myself with the same results of it not showing up where it should. If you actually did it with another extension like, uBlock Orgin, just lick it’s icon, and choose to open the dashboard, it’s the one with little sliders on the button. The My Filters tab will have added it to the end.
Did you try to right click on the youtube page, choose Brave, then choose ‘Clear CSS rules for this site’? I doubt that will fix anything though.
If that doesn’t work, hopefully someone else can answer, but it seems to be a bug to me, as it should appear somewhere.