Hey, Brave doesn’t rerank search results to put anyone higher. Results are shown just based on what seems to best match what the person is searching. As to adding websites, Brave generally adds things to their list as people visit websites. The company uses the Web Discovery Project to index websites. So this just requires a decent amount of people using Brave to visit your website.
If you go through search results and can’t find your website listed at all, on any page, then you can always submit feedback. To do this, you should click on the icon that generally appears on the top right of the Brave Search website and then you would click on the Share Feedback
button, such as in screenshot below:
This then opens a form you can use to fill out. If you leave a note with information about your website not being in the results or whatever other information is wrong, this then gets sent to the Search team and they will look it over. They will sometimes then be able to add your website to results themselves. This said, I want to be clear that there is no promised timing on when they’ll look at it or take action. All I know is this is what has been shared by the head of Brave Search as the best way for people to get issues resolved.