**Briefly describe your issue:**had some issues getting Feb. rewards. I was told Feb. payout issue would roll over into march payouts. got an error when trying to claim march rewards. waited several days and it has not refreshed
**What Operating System and Brave version are you using ? windows 11
**Is your browser wallet currently verified? yes
What date did you verify your wallet? 1/22/22
Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past? yes
Brave rewards are a scam. They will not give you what you are owed, if anything at all. Do yourself a favor, stop trying to use theire Brave Rewards and just use the browser
really? wow thanks for the tip. very helpful info you have shared. I was completely unaware that the rewards system had issues. I’ve read a ton of post here and this is the first time some has ever mentioned that. again thank you for taking time out of your day to assist.
Our team is actively investigating all payments that have not been processed for April. We ask for your patience at this time while we diligently work to get your payments processed.
If you have received a new claim and had successfully been able to receive your rewards for the current payout cycle. Could you kindly tag myself or @steeven.