Cannot locate “Brave Sync” in settings panel on my I phone.
Wanting to sync with MacBook.
Hi @Aurora_Wild, Welcome to Community!
Can you confirm you’re on version 1.21?
Thank you. I can locate sync on my computer and pull up QR code but cannot locate “Brave sync” in settings on my phone.
How do I check about version or update?
to check version - go to settings and scroll to the bottom
to update - go to the app store, then go to Brave, if there’s an update it’ll show update
instead of open
Thank you! I do have 1.2 version.
Hmmmm I’m perplexed as to why it’s not there. May have a friend make sure I’m not missing something right in front of my eyes
@Aurora_Wild, it should be near the top. Could you send a screen shot of the top of your settings page?
Aa-ron, I’m having the same issue – running latest version of Brave on iPhone 8. No “Sync” tab/button anywhere on the settings panel of iPhone screen.
I can use my phone to read the QR code from desktop Brave browser Settings>Sync page, but there’s no place to paste/confirm that code.
Hi @mgerber937,
If you go to settings, what are the options under the General
Can you confirm what version you’re on?
Here’s my version: Version 1.17.75 Chromium: 87.0.4280.88 (Official Build) (x86_64)
I’m not seeing “General” as a heading, when I click on the three horiz lines at the upper right of the window. Or when I click on “Settings.” What am I missing? Thanks for your help!
your iOS version needs to be 1.21
Are you sure of your Brave iOS version
because your version info leads me to believe you’re on desktop
Can you confirm, are you having troubling with Sync on iOS and Desktop ?
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