Brave reward not received in my balance

Briefly describe your issue:
Even after so many days I didn’t received my brave reward, the brave reward option show “the Payout for October rewards has completed” but I didn’t received it.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? Android 12; Build/S2RUBS32.51-15-9-11
Brave 1.59.120, Chromium 118.0.5993.88

Who is your verified custodian?

Are you in a supported region?

( for list of supported regions)

Hey there.
raise a ticket at

Make sure to share the ticket id here (you’ll get one to your email when you submit the ticket).

Also please be patient as it could take upto 2 - 3 weeks for a response due to the high number of incoming tickets, thanks!

Hey there

Thanks for the help, but one thing I wanna know as I tried the same earlier aslo but I’m can’t able to find the reward payment I’d as I’m a Android user so tried a lot to find but didn’t so please can you help?

It shows up on all OS. On my Android 13 it does, have seen on 11 & 12 as well.

Are you typing out ‘Brave://rewards-internals’ in the URL bar?
What happens when you try to?
Does it say profile not created?

If yes, then, simply restart the browser and if that doesn’t solve it, restart the device.

Thank you for your response.

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