Brave build doesn't show error but can't start

@hiepnm93 I do not understand anything you posted. lol I do want to suggest that you provide some additional information.

  1. Brave version and OS which can be found at brave://version
  2. Link to download source
  3. Link to instructions (if any) you are following

If this is a development install and you are following these instructions: How to: build Brave on Windows - #4 by suguru, then I suggest you edit your title and move your topic to the Contributing/Developers category where you are more likely to get a knowledgeable response from users and/or staff monitoring the category.

Another option is to open a Brave GitHub issue report. Make sure you follow the guidelines or your issue report may be closed without notice.

Edit: Please delete your duplicate post.
Brave-browser build not error but not start