I suppose like millions of other Mozilla Users I reached a point where I simply could not tolerate yet another Firefox lockup or crash. The number of times Firefox has locked all activity on my SmartPhone – not just their browser – must rank by now in the hundreds.
I’m loyal, you see. I loved Firefox on Windows. But my home was burgled on an epic scale just a few months ago and when I say they took everything I mean they gutted the house and had made a start on my furniture.
So there are no more desktop computers on which to hang in there with Firefox. Because there is nothing. They took every nut, bolt, fork and extension cord. Obviously my entire home theatre system. Hundreds of dollars worth of DVDs. All my power and manual tools. My books! Everything.
They left me one urine stained Velux blanket, a partially-eaten wool coat . . . and a colony of rats that had set up shop during my one year residency in a nursing home for a complete hip replacement that didn’t go quite the way we wanted it to. But let that bide.
Firefox crashed on me yet again about a week ago and it was one of the bad ones where it locked up my phone to the extent that I had to remove the battery just to be able to reboot. It’s a serious event when you deprive me of the only means to get help if I should need it. What if my burglars returned for the rest of my furniture and were prepared to harm me to complete the job? I’m a poor aspiring SciFi Fantasy writer: I couldn’t afford a security system before and I certainly can’t afford one now. My cellphone is my only protection (and even that is a Lifeline phone).
All the sanctimony Mozilla drapes themselves in being “the only Non-Profit browser” will face “Don’t deprive me of the use of my phone in an emergency!” in a court of law one day and we’ll see how long that floats. The robbery has sent me spiraling into depression. 65 years of memories, gone!
So I started demo’ing other browsers. I wanted two things that Android Firefox continues to deprive Users of: a native Browser Long Screenshot (because the apps are unreliable), and the ability to print to a .PDF. The first could be legitimately difficult given Google’s oligarchical power over the internet, but the second has no excuse whatsoever for being held back by Mozilla. Our bank statements, purchase receipts and income taxes are all .PDF empowered.
I made the jump and landed here at Brave after testing about 6 alternatives, when I clicked what looked like a page count number . . . and a gloriously-detailed report of my TABS (!) spilled out before me. I couldn’t believe it – that finally a browser gets how crucial those thumbnail images are to browsing!
I think Mozilla actually believes Users are just going to follow them by the nose endlessly, anywhere they lead them, like blind sheep. Well this sheep said “Baa-aa-aad Firefox! You’ve haa-aa-aad more thaa-aa-aan enough time to bring baa-aa-ack page thumbnails!”
And here I am.