

Extended experience in project management, cryptocurrencies, online-marketing, media tools, website design, social​ ​ implementation​ ​ and​ ​ dissemination

We design and build websites on WordPress or pure html, Intranets based on Google Sites incl. training of how to use Google tools and alternatively Cloud Solutions with Open Source. We provide one-to-one support and training either onsite at your premises or remotely, via the internet,​ ​ to​ ​ give​ ​ you​ ​ the​ ​ help​ ​ when​ ​ and​ ​ where​ ​ you​ ​ need​ ​ it.

Azorvida manages all web content and projects related to websites. Writes, edits, and proofreads new content. Ensures that all documents meet established content standards and works with developers to assess any technical challenges in displaying the content. Familiar with a variety of the field’s concepts, practices, and procedures. Relies on extensive experience
and judgement to plan and accomplish goals. Performs a variety of tasks. Leads and directs the work​ ​ of​ ​ others​ ​ with​ ​ a ​ ​ wide​ ​ degree​ ​ of​ ​ creativity​ ​ and​ ​ latitude.

Exploring and developing new concepts in online- and social media marketing in addition with the previous knowledge and experience in the field of Tourism and Event industry in general.

Azorvida is working to accomplish a more deep and integrated consultation within the consortiums we are building for each activity, aiming at generating an enhanced European added​ ​ value,​ ​ dimension​ ​ and​ ​ exploitation​ ​ of​ ​ results​ ​ potential.

According to our mission, we encourage and support the process of business innovation toward a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in a variety of fields within the sector of e-learning, digital​ ​ marketing,​ ​ coaching​ ​ and​ ​ CRM​ ​ (customer​ ​ relationship​ ​ management),​ ​ to​ ​ name​ ​ but​ ​ a ​ ​ few.

Further, we work as a collective with an ethical working style, providing internet access, email web hosting, web management, web design training and coaching for our client base. The priority issues are internet rights, ICT policies and the information society, gender issues and ICTs.

We use Open Source, because Open Source is a development method for software that harnesses the power of distributed peer review and transparency of process. The promise of open source is better quality, higher reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to predatory​ ​ vendor​ ​ lock-in.

As an active member of Project Honey Pot, which is a collection of people from around the world,​ ​ we​ ​ are​ ​ working​ ​ together​ ​ to​ ​ track​ ​ email​ ​ harvesters​ ​ and​ help​ ​ stop​ ​ spam.