I became an enthusiastic adherent to the Brave philosophy after reading, “Life After Google”, a book that describes the block-chain-centered web model Brave uses.
I am a strong advocate for online privacy, and, when desireable, means to confirm identity. I’m an EE doing R&D on analog circuits.
I enjoy being secure while online. I am a strong proponent of anonymizers such as tor and/or openvpn. But I refrain from free anonymous proxies. I use a vpn service at all times when possible.
Other than that boring stuff, I really like mountain bicycling, working out, raquetball, application development, reading, religion, and fine automobiles!
I’ve been using the Internet since before web browsers and search engines, and using PCs long before that. I learned some UNIX by using a dial-up shell to get online in the old days. That worked perfectly into picking up Linux, which came around about that time.
I have a wonderful family to put up with my creative binges where I work for 72 straight! You gotta work while the inspiration is hot. I’ve been an entrepreneur for the last 25 years or more, starting 2 companies, and doing freelance data-processing related work.
I really have to say that when corporate America almost has the sheople controlled, a brilliant innovator will arise from among them and teach them how to defend against rule by the elite!
That is how Brave came about. I thank God for it!