Youtube in secondary window

Description of the issue:
I have 2 Brave windows open. One is showing a youtube video. The other am actively browsing in.

Occasionally, the youtube window video would stop, with audio stopping maybe 30 seconds later.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open two brave windows
  2. Open youtube in one and play a video
  3. switch to the other and do random browsing
  4. continue browsing for a while, maybe 10-20 minutes.
  5. when the video/audio stops, the other window sometimes becomes unresponsive
  6. minimizing and restoring the youtube window resolves the issue, at least till the next occurence

Expected result:
The youtube window should continue to play the video/audio without pausing

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Additional Information:
It appears that a work-around is to add to the “always keep these sites active” list.