Youtube creating 38Mb of cookies for every single website automatically - help

Hi all - I just got a notification saying that I needed to clear space for additional website cookies and was signed out of all my google accounts for youtube and gmail, etc. Went to check, and noticed that literally every single website I have visited even if for just 1 time or very briefly has had 38 mb of youtube cookies installed/partitioned. Turns out my Brave Browser user data folder is like 5 GB…

This has to be a bug right? There are hundreds of websites that all have this YT data. Any way to turn this off or clear all of these sites quickly that I don’t care about? I am using the latest version on Windows 11 FYI. Thanks in advance.

I might suggest checking if you have third-party cookies blocked under:
might be the easy solution…
For further cookies managing see below:

Coincidentally, I just shared the post below with someone else, I wrote up how you can take control of your cookies here:

You can also see how others manage their cookies in that recent post I mentioned here, if you’re curious:

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Hey thanks for the response - I do have “block third party cookies” enabled. Any idea why in particular every website would have youtube cookies? Perhaps google/youtube cookies are not blocked in general?

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