Yay brave for android and pie allow brave community to be "add to home screen"

Opens a perfect experience using it this way and having the ability to be a hybrid between add on or extensions but on mobile! This is what I mean not bookmark or widget/shortcut. Basically the Add to Chrome Feature sorta it’s almost like a instant app or hybrid in the since that it’s more like a app that only allows viewing and interaction with site or addition in my case perfect resizing on the note 9

both via add to home button (it’s close but things work better and render better over all and it’s faster than normal it seems etc etc… am I wrong?

Ok all in mobile version of site and or app settings is this just litterly a short cut or macro of apps and services seeming instant and easier or is this a fluke or am I missing something or misunderstood and or wrong maybe it’s just how I’m seeing it and the experience And better aspects imo and for me are enough to notice tho lol

NOTE 9 512GB
Brave 1.0.88 chromium 72…

On your Android device, long-press on the Brave icon and select Add to Home Screen to add a direct link to Community to your Android phone. Thank you.

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I long pressed the Brave Browser icon (the one next to the BAT icon) and the option that showed up was Enable/Disable Brave Shield.
Is that the right icon I long pressed?

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Apologies but I may be misunderstanding you.
Are you trying to too add an App shortcut for Brave Community to your device home screen?

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@Mattches Nevermind, I just did it. That was my mistake, I was doing it the wrong way, but I figured it out…:roll_eyes: I dont know what I was thinking. Thanks for the fast reply, buddy. :sunglasses::+1:


My pleasure!
Enjoy your privacy!