Yahoo redirect on google

Description of the issue:
Whenever I search something in google, I get redirected to a yahoo page searching the same thing. I don’t remember putting that anywhere. Happens when I manually go to, but also when I use :g in the address bar. I have brave search set as my default search engine. Interestingly, it only happens on the first search of said query. Second time, it searched google like normally.
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Search for a query on google

Expected result:
The query searches for the query on google rather than yahoo
Brave Version( check About Brave):
Can’t find about brave instead, here’s the package:
1.75.161-1 from aur/brave-beta-bin
Additional Information:
I am running Archlinux.

Oh, I found about brave actually. Here: Version 1.75.161 Chromium: 132.0.6834.83 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)

Sounds like this may be due to an extension that you have installed in the browser. Can you confirm whether or not this issue occurs with your extensions disabled?

Additionally, can you please go to brave://settings/searchEngines, find the Google entry and share what the URL listed for it is (you can find the URL by clicking the “edit”/“Pencil” icon next to it)?