Wrong price to VUSDC

Hello. I added vusdc token in brave wallet to monitoring price in on BSC mainnet, but the appear wrong in interface.

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How many decimal places did you use when adding it?

Can you visit here, select the three dots under Profile Summary, and select ‘Add token to Web3 Wallet’?

Thank you

Hello. I put 8 to decimal precision adding manually. I added token via bscscan too. Both went wrong.

Did you remove the manually added token first?

Delete the vUSDC token under ‘Visible Assets’ in your Brave Wallet first. Then, visit https://bscscan.com/token/0xeca88125a5adbe82614ffc12d0db554e2e2867c8 and add it to your wallet again.

Yes. I tryed add manually. Did not work. After delete, I tryed via bscscan and did not work too. I note that the quantity of vusdc is wrong as well.

Curious what’s the default Fiat currency set?

The default fiat currency is BRL.

I can’t seem to add the token to the wallet either via Coingecko or via BSC chain.

@aldrinpscastro does it resolve if you change the base currency to USD and then reset it back to BRL?

No. I tryed do this too.

You can add via bscscan in Profile Summary of token. Previously you have to add bsc network in wallet.

I was able to reproduce this issue locally, and confirm that it’s a bug. I will post an update once I have a fix, but so far it doesn’t seem that other BSC tokens are affected.


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